Users' documentation for rTDT in Matlab
The archive rTDT contains
the following M-files:
- rTDT
- EnesTrios
- EmesTrios
- IsAChild
- NonMissingSNP
- IsHetero
- IsHomo1
- IsHomo2
- GetMajorAllele
- Father
- Mother
The main function rTDT needs
as an only argument a table with SNPs values. The rTDT function returns a table
with Chi-Square for TDT and rTDT, p values and all the quantities needed
to compute these values.
Input for the function
SNP dataset, one row per
individual, 7 + 2xTotalSNPs columns, with TotalSNPs being the
number of SNPs. Each column must contain an integer.
Description of columns:
- Column 1: family code
- Column 2: individual code
- Column 3: father code
(0 if the individual is not a child)
- Column 4: mother code
(0 if the individual is not a child)
- Column 5: gender (not
- Column 6: affection status
(not used)
- Column 7: another individual
id (not used)
- Columns 8 until 7+2*TotalSNPs: SNPs values (each SNP uses two contiguous
columns). Example: if SNP1 value for an individual is 12 (heterozygous), column8
will have the value 1 and column9 will have the 2.
Output for the function
robustTDT, with one column per SNP, then there will be TotalSNPs
The table has 45 rows.
Description of rows:
- Rows 1 to 21: n1, n2, ..., n21
- Rows 22 to 31: m1, m2,
m3, ..., m10
- Row 32: b (=m3+m6+2m8+m9)
- Row 33: c (=m4+m7+m9+2m10)
- Row 34: b1 (=b+n9)
- Row 35: c1 (=c+n11)
- Row 36: bmax (=b+2xn2+n3+n5+n6+2xn8+2xn9+n10+n12+n13+n15+2xn16+n17)
- Row 37: cmax (=c+n3+2xn4+n5+n7+2xn8+n10+2xn11+n12+n14+n15+2xn16+n17)
- Row 38: T(b,c) (standard
- Row 39: T(bM,c1)
- Row 40: T (b1,cM)
- Row 41: Tmin (if b1>cM
then Tmin=T(b1,cM) else if bM<c1 then Tmin=T(bM,c1)
else Tmin=0)
- Row 42: Tmax=max(T(bM,c1),T(b1,cM))
- Row 43: pvalue T
- Row 44: pvalue Tmin
- Row 45: pvalue Tmax
Sebastiani, Paola; Abad, María; Alpargu, Gulhan; Ramoni, Marco
Robust Transmission/Disequilibrium Test for Incomplete Family Genotypes
Genetics, Vol 168, 2329-2337