Users' documentation for rTDT in c++


Compiled version:

Compiled version for linux.-After you have succesfully obtained the archive you can execute the following Unix commands to install the program:

Source code version:

Source code version for linux.-After you have succesfully obtained the archive you can execute the following Unix commands to install the program:


To use rTDT, use the following command line:

./rTDT1.0 <filename> <#TotalSNPs> <#individuals>

where <filename> is the input file with format as shown below, <#TotalSNPs> the number of SNPs in the file and <#individuals> the number of individuals in the file.


Format of the input file

A text file of SNP data set, one row per individual, 7 + 2xTotalSNPs columns, with TotalSNPs being the number of SNPs. Columns must be separared by a blank or tab character.Each column must contain an integer. See an example of input file.

Description of columns:

Output for the function rTDT

Output will be written at a file with the same name that the input file name but with the extension ".sal". The output file is a text file with one column per SNP separated by blanks, so there will be TotalSNPs columns.
The file will have 12 rows:

Description of rows:



Sebastiani, Paola; Abad, María; Alpargu, Gulhan; Ramoni, Marco
Robust Transmission/Disequilibrium Test for Incomplete Family Genotypes
Genetics, Vol 168, 2329-2337